Do you have a lot of fresh pet dog food left over and don’t know what to do with it? Fresh pets recommend storing food in the refrigerator and feeding directly from the refrigerator for best results. However, this is also possible if you need to freeze food for later use. In this blog post, we’ll explain how to freeze fresh pet dog food so you can keep your pet full without wasting any food.
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How Long Can You Keep Fresh Pet Dog Food?
All fresh pet food will stay fresh for 7 days when properly stored. It is recommended to use their dog food during this time. You also shouldn’t let food sit at room temperature for more than an hour. Therefore, you cannot freely feed yourself this dog food. It must be done at a specific meal time and eaten completely.
After up to an hour, remove any uneaten food. You cannot refrigerate food that has been touched by your dog, as their saliva can promote bacterial growth.
Therefore, only give your dog what he needs and keep the rest in the refrigerator. All fresh pet food will stay fresh for 7 days when properly stored. It is recommended to use their dog food during this time. You also shouldn’t let food sit at room temperature for more than an hour. Therefore, you cannot freely feed yourself this dog food. It must be done at a specific meal time and eaten completely.
After up to an hour, remove any uneaten food. You cannot refrigerate food that has been touched by your dog, as their saliva can promote bacterial growth.
Therefore, only give your dog what he needs and keep the rest in the refrigerator.
Can You Freeze Fresh Pet Dog Food?
Yes, you can freeze fresh pet dog food, but the effect on taste and texture may not be ideal. How long food lasts in the refrigerator depends on the type of food. In general, most fresh pet food will keep for 3-4 months in the refrigerator.
How Long Can You Freeze Fresh Pet Dog Food?
The company doesn’t have a hard and fast rule on how long you should freeze any of their dog food. However, the general recommendation is that you should only freeze food for about 3 months. After that, the food may be burnt in the refrigerator and not as fresh as it could be. Nutritional quality may also be affected.
While your dog may eat after this time, this is not recommended.
Does Fresh Pet Food Make Dogs Sick?

Generally, this dog food will not make the dog sick. However, there is always a risk of improperly storing food, which can lead to the growth of bacteria that can make dogs sick. Therefore, you need to store food properly, just like you store your own food. Fresh pet dog food is completely fresh and, as the name suggests, does not contain the high levels of preservatives found in other dog foods.
Fresh pets are occasionally recalled. Usually, these boosters are small and do not cause serious illness. However, like all dog food, fresh pets can be recalled due to manufacturing errors.
How To Freeze Freshpet Dog Food?
1. Before freezing, be sure to pack food in airtight containers or freezer bags. This will prevent ice crystals from forming and spoiling the texture of the food.
2. Put food in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchasing it – the faster it freezes, the fresher it will be.
Precautions to Take When Freezing Freshpet Dog Food
When freezing fresh dog food, be sure to follow the correct steps to ensure your food is properly prepared and sealed. The following list outlines the key steps to take when preparing food for the freezer:
1. Be sure to thaw food in the refrigerator before serving. Do not thaw at room temperature or put it in the microwave:
2. Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling raw pet food:
3. Separate raw pet food from other foods, especially those that will be eaten raw, such as fruits and vegetables:
4. Store raw pet food in a designated area of the refrigerator or freezer, preferably in a plastic container with a lid:
5. Throw away uneaten raw pet food after 2-3 days.
How To Thaw Frozen Freshpet Dog Food
To thaw frozen Freshpet Dog Food, follow these steps:
1. Move the frozen food from the freezer to the refrigerator 24 hours before you plan to serve it.
2. Place the food in a bowl or on a plate to catch any drips as it thaws.
3. Once thawed, use within two days or discard.
4. Never refreeze thawed pet food.
Read More: How To Freeze Dry Meats?
Fresh pet fresh dog food cannot be frozen. However, if you need to extend the shelf life, you can freeze it for up to 3 months. Only lasts about 7 days in the refrigerator. So freezing helps ensure it lasts for months to come.
However, dogs usually eat these foods quickly, so freezing is not required. Of course, things might be different if you buy in bulk.
If you decide to freeze these foods, be sure to thaw them in the refrigerator for about 24 hours before giving them to pets. Letting it thaw at room temperature can encourage bacterial growth, which can make your dog sick. Also, food can only be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. Afterward, it may lose its nutritional value and develop an unsettling taste that many dogs will reject.